Partner Organizations

Governorship of Istanbul

Governorship of Istanbul is in charge of regulating and supervising general administration in Istanbul. Governorship of Istanbul implements instructions and orders from ministries ensuring promulgation of government decisions and implementation of laws and regulations. GOI is the highest administrative authority in the city and serves in various fields with about 300 civil servants.

National and international projects are carried out by the European Union and Foreign Relations Office on behalf of the Istanbul Governorship. Priority is given to supporting disadvantageous groups such as people with disabilities, immigrants, NEETs and unemployed adults within the projects. In this context, GOI has cooperations with several public institutions, universities, training centers, vocational education centres, and NGOs for youth and adults. GOI provides training on topics needed through its Continuing Education Center.

Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO)

Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO) is established in 1952 by law, to which membership is compulsory for every industrial company in Istanbul. ISO is the largest industrial chamber in Turkey with its member base of approximately 20.000 companies accounting for 40% of the value-added produced by industry and 35% of Turkish exports. Some of the Chamber’s activities are assigned by law; such as the issuance of investment incentive certificates for SMEs, capacity reports and other expertise reports for the companies in the Istanbul province. In addition to these, most of ISO’s services are driven with the purpose of increasing the competitiveness of Turkish companies. Some of the services are training & development, vocational education & training, corporate academy (İSO Akademi), technology transfer, business cooperation, R&D, ect. As a non-profit organisation, ISO acts as a bridge between industry and governmental bodies (Such Ministry of Education) by contributing to the legislation process, providing feedback on draft decrees and regulations on behalf of the industry.

ISO is one of the most influential business NGOs in the country. It has close relationship with and strong access to the regional administration and municipalities in Istanbul as well as to other business organisations representing other sectors. Its strength also stems from its 55 Sectorial Committees composed of elected company representatives from different sectors. Most of the members of these Sectorial Committees also hold executive positions in sectorial associations. They meet every month in the premises of the Chamber to discuss their sectors’ problems, forming the framework of the Chamber’s policies. The fact that ISO represents multiple sectors and its influence on the legislation process make it a pole of attraction and a contact point for many Turkish and foreign business organisations that want to do business in Istanbul.

Istanbul Technical University

Istanbul Technical University has been one of the leading universities in Turkey with approximately 37,000 students. ITU comprises 14 Faculties, 43 Departments, 6 Graduate Institutes, 99 undergraduate and 192 graduate programs. Founded in 1773 as the Imperial School of Naval Engineering, ITU is a prominent and pioneering university of engineering and architecture with many innovative studies in science, technology, research, and development. ITU is mainly composed of engineering schools and research laboratories, working closely in collaboration with enterprises and other economic and social partners.

The university facilitates the knowledge and technology transfer to industries, management centers, government entities, in short, to the whole society. To do this, ITU has created many Techno-Science parks, incubation centers, entrepreneurship and innovation centers and technology transfer offices. This way, İTÜ offers a favorable environment for students to build a successful career in their professions, to improve themselves, to seek internship opportunities and to conduct research projects.

Yakacık Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School

Yakacık Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School is a state school located in Kartal, İstanbul. In 1985-1986 educational year, it was established. The manager of the school is Gökhan EKER. YMTAL contains eight vocational departments. These are;

-Information Technologies
-Biomedical Device Techmologies
-Machine Technologies
-Metal Technologies
-Furniture and Interior Design
-Installation technology and air conditioning

There are thirty three classrooms, twenty six workplaces, five labs, two art classes, one library, one sports center and one canteen.
It is aimed to improve the students mentally, physically and psychologically with all educational, cultural and sportive activities.
Our goal is to create a generation with technical and vocational abilities. After graduation, students are supposed to be motivated and educated in their profession.

YMTAL has so many successes in national and local competitions such as
-2011-2012 School Report
-2011-2012 Team Report Mission Reward,
2011-2012 İstanbul, Great Examples in Education Reward,
2011-2012 Values Education Reward,
2010 Coolexpo Vocational education Expo Reward
Our school has many aggrements with companies, universitites and brands such as Gedik University, ITU, Bosch and Wago.


INFODEF, Institute for the Promotion of Development and Training, is a private and independent research, development and innovation center whose mission is to design and carry out projects that contribute to achieving sustainable and inclusive development through education, culture and innovation. The center designs and develops innovative tools, methodologies, products and services that respond to current social and economic challenges and enable the anticipation and promotion of the changes necessary to achieve the future goals and objectives of society.

INFODEF supports the modernization of educational systems and pedagogical innovation in public and private educational institutions at national and European level. One of the main areas of expertise of INFODEF is the design of innovative methodologies and instruments to support the work of professionals involved with specific target groups, such as young people, migrants, low-skilled adults, people with disabilities, prisoners and other disadvantaged groups.


EUROMASC is a consultancy with experience and competence from long time cooperation with national and international organisations within vocational education and training (VET).

The main field of operation is the implementation of Learning Outcome based instruments for qualification definition and description. Recognition of prior learning (RPL) with validation and accreditation of skills and competences, career guidance and certification are supported with Skillsbank.


Founded in 2004 in Trikala, Greece, Anaptyxiako Kentro Thessalias AKETH-DCT (Developmental Centre of Thessaly) is a non-profit organization, accredited by Greek National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance, which operates as continuing vocational education & training (VET) center/provider. The mission of the organization is aligned with the E.U. strategic framework about fighting the rising levels of unemployment –particularly among young people, by providing certified education & training opportunities, counselling & personal development in order to contribute in their life improving. AKETH-DCT has a great experience in the field of education, in both E.U.

Programmes and National Programmes, Especially in the implementation of EU, AKETH-DCT has built a great agenda in several topics such as: training and recognition policies, ICT development, adult education, schools partnerships, sustainable development, energy, environment etc. Staff members of the EU dept of AKETH have high educational and academic profile and have been involved in many social and scientific analyses something that is highlighted in their CVs and scientific/research experience.


The Saxon Education Company for Environmental Protection and Chemical Professions Dresden (Sächsische Bildungsgesellschaft für Umweltschutz und Chemieberufe Dresden mbH – SBG) is a private, non-profit education and training company whose core business is inter-company initial training and advanced training in scientific and environmental professions. As the leading company of the Saxon training network for chemical and chemical-related professions and of the Saxon training network in supply and disposal, the SBG trains trainees for the chemical laboratory technician, biology laboratory technician, physics laboratory technician, chemical technician, pharmacist, specialist in recycling and waste technology, specialist in water supply technology, specialist in wastewater technology. Every year around 520 apprentices are trained at the SBG on behalf of the companies, as well as around 160 participants as part of professional advancement qualifications (including industrial foremen in chemistry, industrial foremen in pharmaceuticals, masters in recycling and waste management and urban cleaning). The SBG has many years of expertise in the transfer of educational services and in international vocational training projects. It works together with the German Federation of Chemical Employers’ Associations (BAVC) and the chambers on the further development of the professional profiles. In addition, it works on various examination commissions and provides the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) Dresden with the examiners in the above occupational profiles.


BSW, has been active internationally since the 1990s. Seminars and workshops initially dealt with economic transformation processes in the countries of Eastern Europe and in the CIS countries. Since then, bsw has been providing further training worldwide on methodological and organizational issues relating to vocational dual (and school) training. “Train the Trainer” concepts and “help for self-help” approaches are firmly established.

There are established long-term business and educational partnerships with institutions in Asia, primarily China. bsw offers business-oriented and sector-specific training and further education programs for managers from many countries worldwide (India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Russia and many more).

WIAB, the Viennese Institute for Labour Market and Education Research, is a private organisation providing research and consultancy to public institutions, enterprises and (international) organisations in the field of labour market, gender, and education research. WIAB provides outstanding know-how and expertise in the development of taxonomies and competence descriptions. WIAB combines the scientific expertise and knowledge in the field of labour market, education, and gender research with the service quality of a business consultancy.

KIST Consult

KIST Consult specialises in development, marketing and transfer of international educational, vocational education and training projects. Our vision is to build a bridge between the economy and education as well as to form lasting, demand – orientated networks between cooperative partners. We implement our projects in strategic partnerships with international organisations for the development of pedagogical innovations. In this context, we closely cooperate with the Government, non-governmental organizations and civil society at large.

2019-1-TR01- KA202- 077191
Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.