ECVET Skills Platform Project (2019-1-TR01- KA202- 077191), supported by the European Commission through Turkish National Agency under Erasmus+ Programme Vocational Education and Training Field, is implemented under the coordination of Governorship of Istanbul with 10 partner organizations from 6 different countries between 01.09.2019 and 31.12.2021. Istanbul Commerce of Industry (Turkey), Istanbul Technical University (Turkey), Yakacık Vocational and Technical Anatolian Highschool (Turkey), EUROMASC (Norway), KIST (Austria), AKETH (Greece), INFODEF (Spain), BSW (Germany) and SBG Dresden (Germany) and are the partner organizations of ECVET Skills Platform Project.
The main aim of the project is to contribute to the provision of high-quality vocational education and training through the promotion of skills match between the expectations of the labour market and vocational education curricula. For this purpose, development of a platform that will allow interaction between labour market and vocational training institutions; identification of technical, social, and conceptual skills to support the employability of CNC machine operators through this platform; development of ECVET training curriculum and preparation of training contents in accordance with the defined skills are the main project activities.
Within the scope of the project, a focus group meeting was held with the participation of Machine Technology teachers/trainers and students from Küçükçekmece PAGEV Vocational and Technical High School, İsmet Aktar Vocational and Technical High School, Güngören Vocational and Technical High School, as well as sector representatives from TEZMAKSAN Machine and TEZMAKSAN Academy in order to assess the learning outcomes defined on the basis of the Skills Map consisting of technical, personal and conceptual skills defined for CNC machine operators on 15th January 2021. At the focus group meeting, where the Skills Map and learning outcomes were analyzed, we had the opportunity to learn the expectations and needs of both vocational training institutions and companies. We also received feedback and recommendations from both vocational training institutions and the sector on the skills and learning outcomes defined within the project.
In the next phase of the project, it is planned to upload the learning outcomes that will be updated in line with the feedback and suggestions from the sector and vocational education institutions after the focus group meetings held in all partner countries onto the ECVET Skills Value Platform and vote on the skills by the sector. For this purpose, ECVET Skills Value Info Days will be organized.