Technical Skills

ECVET Skills Platform Project Management Meeting Was Held Online

ECVET Skills Platform Project (ESV) (2019-1-TR01- KA202- 077191) , implemented under the coordination of European Union and Foreign Relations Office on behalf of the Governorship of Istanbul, is supported by the European Commission through Turkish National Agency under Erasmus+ Programme Vocational Education and Training Field. The project is going to be implemented between 01.09.2019-31.12.2021.

The project aims to develop an interactive platform where labour market and VET schools/ institutions can interact, to identify technical, social and conceptual skills supporting the employability of CNC Machine Operators through this platform, and to develop ECVET training curriculum and training contents in line with these identified skills.

Project Management Meeting of ECVET Skills Platform Project was held online on 16th September 2020. During this meeting, learning outcomes written by partner organisations were reviewed. Planning for focus group meetings to be held within ESV Project was made.

In November, focus group meetings with the involvement of representatives from both CNC Machine Sectors and VET institutions will be organized.

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ECVET Skills Platform Project 2nd Transnational Project Management Meeting Was Held Online

ECVET Skills Platform Project (ESV) (2019-1-TR01- KA202- 077191) , implemented under the coordination of European Union and Foreign Relations Office on behalf of the Governorship of Istanbul, is supported by the European Commission through Turkish National Agency under Erasmus+ Programme Vocational Education and Training Field. The project is going to be implemented between 01.09.2019-31.12.2021. The participating organisations of ESV Project includes Istanbul Commerce of Industry (ISO), Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Yakacık Vocational and Technical Anatolian Highschool (YMTAL), EUROMASC (Norway), WIAB (Austria), AKETH (Greece), INFODEF (Spain),SBG Dresden and BSW (Germany).

The project aims to develop an interactive platform where labour market and VET schools/ institutions can interact, to identify technical, social and conceptual skills supporting the employability of CNC Machine Operators through this platform, and to develop ECVET training curriculum and training contents in line with these identified skills.

According to the measures and new regulations due to Covid-19, the Transnational Project Management Meeting was held online with the participation of all partner organisations hosted by the Governorship of Istanbul on 4th June 2020. During this meeting, the draft version of Skills Map was reviewed, and feedback was collected from the partners. The very first operating version of ECVET Skills Value Platform was also presented.

In the upcoming stage of the project, Definitions of Skills of Learning Outcomes for EQF Level 4 will be completed.

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ECVET Skills Platform Project Local Project Management Meeting Was Held Online

ECVET Skills Platform Project (ESV) (2019-1-TR01- KA202- 077191) , implemented under the coordination of European Union and Foreign Relations Office on behalf of the Governorship of Istanbul, is supported by the European Commission through Turkish National Agency under Erasmus+ Programme Vocational Education and Training Field. The project is going to be implemented between 01.09.2019-31.12.2021. The participating organisations of ESV Project includes Istanbul Commerce of Industry (ISO), Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Yakacık Vocational and Technical Anatolian Highschool (YMTAL), EUROMASC (Norway), WIAB (Austria), AKETH (Greece), INFODEF (Spain), and SBG Dresden (Germany).

The project aims to develop an interactive platform where labour market and VET schools/ institutions can interact, to identify technical, social and conceptual skills supporting the employability of CNC Machine Operators through this platform, and to develop ECVET training curriculum and training contents in line with these identified skills.

According to the measures and new regulations due to Covid-19, The local project management was held online with the participation of all local partners hosted by Governorship of Istanbul on 20th May 2020. During this meeting, the draft version of Skills Map, the first intellectual output of the project, was looked through and feedback was collected from the local partner organisations. Preparation of dissemination and progress reports to be presented were also mentioned.

The next Transnational Project Management Meeting will be held online with the participation of all partner organisations hosted by Governorship of Istanbul on 4th June 2020.

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ECVET Skills Platform Project Kick-Off Meeting Was Held

ECVET Skills Platform Project (ESV) (2019-1-TR01- KA202- 077191) , implemented under the coordination of European Union and Foreign Relations Office on behalf of the Governorship of Istanbul, is supported by the European Commission through Turkish National Agency under Erasmus+ Programme Vocational Education and Training Field. The project is going to be implemented between 01.09.2019-31.12.2021. The participating organisations of ESV Project includes Istanbul Commerce of Industry (ISO), Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Yakacık Vocational and Technical Anatolian Highschool (YMTAL), EUROMASC (Norway), WIAB (Austria), AKETH (Greece), INFODEF (Spain), and SBG Dresden (Germany).

The project aims to develop an interactive platform where labour market and VET schools/ institutions can interact, to identify technical, social and conceptual skills supporting the employability of CNC Machine Operators through this platform, and to develop ECVET training curriculum and training contents in line with these identified skills.

The kick-off meeting of the project was held hosted by European Union and Foreign Relations Office on behalf of the Governorship of Istanbul in Istanbul on 8th-9th January 2020.During the kick-off meeting, the project aims, intellectual outputs and activities were presented in detail. The analysis on country specific VET programs and employer expectations regarding the skills of CNC Machine Operators were presented by the participating organizations. Discussions on technical structure of ECVET Skills Value Platform were carried out.

As the first intellectual output, European Skills Map for CNC Machine Operators will be developed. The next transnational project management meeting will be hosted by AKETH in Trikala, Greece.

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ECVET Skills Platform Local Project Management Meeting was held

ECVET Skills Platform Project (ESV) (2019-1-TR01- KA202- 077191), implemented under the coordination of Governorship of Istanbul, is supported by the European Commission through Turkish National Agency under Erasmus+ Programme Vocational Education and Training Field. The participating organisations of ESV Project includes Istanbul Commerce of Industry (ISO), Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Yakacık Vocational and Technical Anatolian Highschool (YMTAL), EUROMASC (Norway), WIAB (Austria), AKETH (Greece), INFODEF (Spain), and SBG Dresden (Germany).

The project aims to develop an interactive platform where labour market and VET schools/ institutions can interact, to identify social and technical skills supporting the employability of CNC Machine Operators through this platform, and to contribute to the updating of learning programs in line with these identified skills.

The local project management meeting was held at the premises of Governorship of Istanbul European and Foreign Relations Office on 27th November 2019 with the participation of all local partner organisations. During this meeting, project activity plan was updated. Preparations for the project kick-off meeting was also planned.

Transnational Project Kick-Off Meeting will be held on 8th-9th January 2020 hosted by Governorship of Istanbul.

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